S-Pure Drumsticks 鸡腿

375 g
Weight (approx.): 375g


Meet Asia's cage-free, growth hormones & antibiotics-free chickens

Our S-Pure chickens are 100% Fresh, Hormones, Antibiotics, and Chlorine-Free!

By feeding them a controlled vegetarian grain feed supplemented with probiotics and prebiotics in a cage-free environment to improve their digestive health, these chickens present the best qualities and first-class flavours! S-Pure is also NSF, GMP, HACCP, ISO, and Halal certified.

Our S-Pure chickens are delivered fresh, air-flown weekly, never frozen!

These drumsticks are for those who swear by this cut of the meat where you get both the convenience of eating it off the bone, and also can enjoy the juiciness of the dark meat that surrounds the drumstick bone! They are also suitable for keto dishes due to their high fat and protein content.

Serving Suggestions: Great for fried chicken, chicken lollipops, or baked chicken drumsticks at your typical barbecues or casual dinners at home with family and friends.

Suggested Alternatives: If you’re looking for drumsticks still attached to chicken thighs, you can opt for our GG™ AnXin Whole Leg 全腿.

Storage Guide: S-Pure chickens are freshly air-flown weekly from Thailand and has a longer shelf life of 14 days as compared to traditional frozen thaw / fresh chicken which typically have a short shelf life of 3 days. 

  • Freezer: Up to 1 month after its Use By Date
  • Once thawed, do not refreeze!

Pro Tip for Safe Handling: 

Don’t wash the chicken before cooking; washing may cause dangerous bacteria like Salmonella to splash around your kitchen. If you insist on washing chicken meat, consider doing so in a sink of water rather than under a running tap. However, we recommend cooking the chicken without washing it to minimise any risk of cross-contamination.

Weight: 375g (Approx. 3 pieces per pack) 

Source: Thailand 

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